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How Sustainable Products are Driving Logistics Changes

Tom Walker, Director of Chemical Markets & Compliance at A. Duie Pyle

Tom Walker, Director of Chemical Markets & Compliance at A. Duie Pyle

The sticker on your travel coffee mug tells you it is now without BPA. Your household cleaner is now without some other chemical you never heard of. And your water bottle is now made of cardboard. What exactly is going on, you ask?

Green chemistry is a growing trend geared toward designing safer chemicals and processes with the goal of achieving greater sustainability in chemical production. While this is more noticeable in many facets of our consumer lives, what is less visible are the significant changes in the chemical manufacturing and supply chain sectors which bring such products to market. As chemical companies make sustainability a business imperative and begin developing newly formulated, often more water-based products, they also must consider how these products will be properly maintained in their journey through differing phases of the supply chain.